Discovery. DOcumentation. recovery.
As an international project diver I support various diving projects, such as THE SOCIETY FOR THE DOCUMENTATION OF SUBMERGED SITES with the mission to discover hidden historical places especially ship or airplane wracks. The main goal is documentation and preserve history. We bring it to the surface, determine the origin and prepare it for museums or other clients.
With Wreck Explorers, a projectgroup I co-founded, I was able to realise one of the first film projects about the wrecks of Scapa Flow with my own team. But also the exploration of caves with Base1 Sardinia is one of my areas of activity in project diving. In addition to the accessibility of the dive sites and dive logistics, the particular challenges are depth, current or visibility conditions and, of course, teamwork to ensure maximum safety.
In addition to the acessibility of the dive sites, the dive logistics, the particular challenges are depth, currents or visibility and of course the teamwork to ensure maximum safety.
Therefore a high standard education, further training and high qualified and responsible team members are necessary. I am proud to be part of a bunch of a trustful and awesome team of international divers.
During WW2 the Central Mediterranean sea was the theater of a long and dramatic fight between the Italo-German and the British Commonwealth naval and air forces.
The three-years-long struggle was aimed at both parts in ensuring their lines of traffic and in contrasting that of the enemies. Dozen of ships and hundreds of aircraft were sunk during 38 months of uninterrupted fightings.
Since 2006, in collaboration with the Submerged Heritage Authority of Region Sicily – the Soprintendenza del Mare – we are exploring the international waters and high sea off the coasts of Sicily and Tunisia, searching for shipwrecks with the help of fishermen and historical records and accounts.
The Battle of the Aegates was a naval battle fought on 10 March 241 b.C. between the fleets of Carthage and Rome during the First Punic War. It took place among the Aegates islands, off the western coast of Sicily.
It was the decisive engagement that ended a 23 year-long War and it gave to Rome the supremacy on the Mediterranean Sea.
SDSS joined the Research team in 2017 and since then operates as the diving component on the battle area, integrating the work conducted by RPM’s team with its sophisticated surface based electronic instruments.
Investigation of lost airplanes
SDSS participates in two projects in collaberation with the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) and the M. Jackson Foundation for the Advancement of Military Medicine, Inc. (HJF) of the United States Department of Defense.
The two projects involved the investigation of two aircrafts shot down during World War II in the Mediterranean Sea. The purpose of the missions was to verify the presence of remains of the crew members of the two aircrafts lost in action.
End of line with base1 Sardinia
In 2019, I explored the still relatively unknown cave named Sa Conca e Locoli together with Base1 Sardinia. At that time, we managed to find the further course after the end of the line. This resulted in an extensive cave project run by Phreatic in collaboration with Societa Speleologica Italinana and Brussel University.
Filmproject Scapa Flow
In 2009 I founded Wreck Explorers together with 2 friends to discover the wrecks of the North and Baltic Sea. At that time, the wrecks of Scapa Flow off the coast of Scotland were still quite unknown and little dived, as accessibility, logistics and information about the wrecks were very scarce. This resulted in a film project documenting the last silent witnesses of the First World War and compiling information on travel planning and dive planning on site. The film project was supported by the Imperial War Museum in London and the German Naval Museum and can be watched on YouTube.